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Showing posts from September 9, 2018

New in Aspen! See Only Classes You Want in the Student Tab!

The Math Department, CCHS Tech Leaders,  and Nicole Bloomfield (Ripley  IT) have collaborated over the past year to make improvements to Aspen based on teacher feedback.  Thanks to this work and to Brian Miller's leadership we can now batch print IEP's and 504's for our classes! Productivity: As part of this process, teachers identified a productivity issue.   Students in their academic courses were co-mingled with students in their Advisory or Directed Study while in the Staff View>Student top tab .  Teachers use the Student Tab to gather information for course recommendations, writing recommendation letters, and other tasks.  The students in their Advisory or Directed Study (non-academic courses) just got in the way. To resolve this issue, we have enabled the My Groups  feature in Aspen.  Navigate to the Student tab in Staff View , and click the filter.  You now have a ' My Groups ' choice.  When y...

Aspen - Make CCHS your Default School!

A few of us have noticed when we log into Aspen, we are automatically taken to CCHRSD Q5 school .  We have to change the school to Concord Carlisle High School to accomplish whatever task we logged into Aspen to do in the first place! Here's how to make Concord Carlisle High School your default school: From the top right-hand side, click on your name>Set Preferences: Under the General tab: Be sure to click OK to save!