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Showing posts from January 27, 2019

Aspen Updates provide some new features in the GradeBook

Aspen updated with some really great feature enhancements a couple of weeks ago.  Here are a few you might find helpful: The Gems: Integrated Attendance information in the Scores side tab Thank Meredith Fischer for finding this hidden gem - the ability to see integrated attendance information in the  GradeBook>Scores side tab!  Click the Display options and change them to Due Date : You will now see integrated attendance information right in your scores column for each assignment.  This is really handy for understanding if a student was absent for an assignment! Analytics Tab In my opinion the best update, you now have a top tab called the Analytics tab in Staff View. For the first option, select either Semester 1, Semester 2, or Full Year , based on the course you want to view analytics for. (Because we don't have terms that end in Q1, Q2, Q3, or Q4, you won't see results here.) The next box allows you to select the cours