My last blog post centered around why Infographics provide information the way your brain craves, and a few ideas of how you might use Infographics in your classroom. This post will walk you through some of the creation tools available using Piktochart . (Note that you can also create an Infographic using Google Slides, Google Drawing , or another tool called Canva . ) Design Considerations: I worked with students in Dora Goldings' English class this week. (FYI, the student feedback about Piktochart was extremely positive. The words 'Rad' and 'So cool' were heard - who knew?) We discussed the design process for Infographics: We reviewed and analyzed several different Infographics and talked about design elements like color, amount and type of text, and use of graphics. Students need to make an important mindset shift when creating their Infographic. They need to think in terms of ' telling a story ' with graph...
Tips for using Technology with Students and for Productivity!