Flipping over Flippity.net - easily turn Google Sheets into Random Name Pickers, Quiz Show games, and Scavenger Hunts!
Are you teaching a new course during semester 2, or maybe looking for something new to use in your classroom in the new year? You may want to consider using a visually engaging and fun tool found on the website Flippity.net . I was introduced to Flippity.net at a workshop I attended in August. Flippity.net's tools let you build engaging experiences for students based on simple Google Sheets. The programs are written by a teacher in Western Massachusetts, so they are simple but effective without a lot of extras you don't need. Here are a couple of options that I found intriguing: Flippity Random Name Picker The Random Name Picker on the Flippity website was the first to catch my attention. Master teacher Peter Atlas has always used a random name picker in his classroom. He feels it provides students a safe space to learn. Students are randomly picked to answer a question, so it feels fair....