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Showing posts from February 10, 2019

Get a Class Roster easily with the Roster Extension!

A simple class roster provides a lot of uses for teachers.  They help track who you've conferenced with, who has completed a project and even allow you to upload your roster to other tools like Turnitin or Zipgrade. Alice Keeler, the acknowledged Queen of Google Sheets, asked her nephew to create a Google Chrome extension that pulls a roster from Google Classroom and creates a Google Sheet with student information. Watch the video below to see how it works or follow the written directions following the video! Navigate to Alice's Website or to the Google Chrome Web Store .  Click the Add to Chrome button.  You need to authorize the extension the first time you use it: Once installed, look on your Chrome browser after the address bar.  Locate the Roster Extension icon and click it.  Click the List classes button.  A list of your Google Classroom classes will appear. Select the desired class....