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Showing posts from January 21, 2018

Making Course Recommendations in Aspen

This is such a busy time of year!  Between grading Midterm exams, using Aspen to post your students' grades, and making course recommendations for next year there is a lot to do! Here are some resources and a few tips for making course recommendations a little easier! Configure your Aspen account to make course recommendations: While logged into Aspen, click on your name, and Set Preferences . Choose the GradeBook Tab , and click on Show course selection recommendation : Clicking Show course selection recommendation activates the Course Selection options in Gradebook>Scores .  You probably want to uncheck this after you have made your recommendations.  It takes up a lot of visual space in your GradeBook!   Clicking the other two options provides a new icon next to the student name in Staff View>Gradebook >Scores.   Clicking the icon above provides two tabbed information sheets for the student - their ho...