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Showing posts from January 19, 2020

Google Classroom Rubrics Now Official with Beefed Up Options!

Our Google Domain opted to participate in Beta testing Rubrics in Google Classroom.  Rubrics are now officially released!  If you haven't looked at this in a while, or at all, check it out. Google has provided great options for using rubrics on the web version of Google Classroom and in both iOS and Android apps! Google shared the following resources: With the new rubrics feature, you can now: Create a rubric while you create an assignment. Reuse rubrics from a previous assignment rather than having to create one from scratch. Export and import Classroom rubrics to share them with other instructors. Grade student work with a rubric from both the ‘student listing page’ and Classroom’s grading view, where instructors can select rating levels as they review the assignment. Getting Started: Google has developed supporting materials to help teachers get started with rubrics: Create rubrics for assignments Grade with a rubric Check your work with rubrics...