Our Google Domain opted to participate in Beta testing Rubrics in Google Classroom. Rubrics are now officially released! If you haven't looked at this in a while, or at all, check it out. Google has provided great options for using rubrics on the web version of Google Classroom and in both iOS and Android apps!
Google shared the following resources:
Check out Rubrics in Google Classroom if you haven't already.
That's my tech tip for today!
Google shared the following resources:
With the new rubrics feature, you can now:
- Create a rubric while you create an assignment.
- Reuse rubrics from a previous assignment rather than having to create one from scratch.
- Export and import Classroom rubrics to share them with other instructors.
- Grade student work with a rubric from both the ‘student listing page’ and Classroom’s grading view, where instructors can select rating levels as they review the assignment.
Getting Started:
Google has developed supporting materials to help teachers get started with rubrics:- Create rubrics for assignments
- Grade with a rubric
- Check your work with rubrics (for students)
Check out Rubrics in Google Classroom if you haven't already.
That's my tech tip for today!
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