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Google Drive Syncing App Change!

cloud com·put·ing
  1. the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer

You have been using Cloud computing for a long time!  Every time you access a native Google app (Docs, Sheets, Forms) through a web browser, you are using a cloud computing service.  The file actually resides in Google servers across the world, not on your computer, tablet, or phone.  (Storing data across multiple servers in multiple locations ensures your data is safe and recoverable in the event of almost any disaster.)

Google Drive App   

The Google Drive app was designed to improve your experience when working with Non-Native files stored in Google Drive (like Word or Inspire files).  It allows you to store non-Google files locally and open them with a single click.  Your desktop copy syncs with the version stored on Google servers so all versions are always the most current.

Do you have the Google Drive icon above on your top right menu on your laptop or desktop?  

If so, you have the Google Drive App installed.  Do you have Google Drive as an option in your finder window?  Then you have the Google Drive app installed.  Google will no longer support this application effective December 11th, 2017 (meaning they won't update features of the app).   The app will no longer function effective March 12th, 2018

You need to move to one of the following two options Google provides.  Your big concerns are access to non-Google files and hard drive space:

Drive File Stream 

Google's Drive File Stream option is the preferred option.  This option provides exactly the same service you use when accessing Google docs through a browser, but now includes non-Google files like Inspire and Word!  This option is only available to Google Apps for Education and Enterprise customers.  Below are some pros and cons identified by the CCHS Tech Leaders:

Backup & Sync

Backup & Sync is very similar to the Google Drive App that is being phased out.  Backup & Sync stores the files on your hard drive, and then syncs with the files on Google's servers so all version are updated.   Backup & Sync is Google's solution for personal Google accounts. Some pros & cons:


For most people, especially for laptops, Drive File Stream provides outstanding service without taking up hard drive space.  

Drive File Stream is also recommended for Desktops, though they have enough space to accommodate Backup & Sync.  Backup & Sync ensures you have access to your course flipcharts, slides, and other files regardless of WIFI or Google connection.  



Please follow directions located on the Drive File Stream or Backup & Sync web pages on the Instructional Technology website.  You want to be sure you follow the steps to ensure a smooth transition and no data loss to the new solution!  As always, if you don't feel comfortable doing this on your own, any of us in IT are happy to help!

Remember the Google Drive app is not being supported after December 11th, 2017 (meaning they won't update features of the app).   The app will no longer function effective March 12th, 2018


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